Plant-Based Wellness Inventory

Once submitted, I will text you and match you with products to address your symptoms best.  Please keep in mind, that I am not a doctor, but a plant wellness advocate with years of experience with CBD usage and troubleshooting.  I’m looking forward to being your “Plant-Based Wellness Inventory Gal”   – Marian K Wyatt

What are you seeking help for? (select one or all that apply)

What is your biggest obstacle? (select one or all that apply)

Are you comfortable with the legal trace amount of THC (0.3%)? You may with to avoid this if you are routinely drug tested for any reason.

Do you have a budget I need to work with? *As a new customer, I am able to get you started with two full size CBD products for $99 (45% off!)

CBD comes in the form of tinctures, which need to be held sublingually for 30-60 seconds at minimum, or edible "jellies". Do you have a preference?

While the effects of CBD are occationally seen quickly, it is not uncommon for it to take weeks, or even months to fully experience results. Are you willing to give CBD a minimum of 8-12 weeks of consistency?

If you could earn product credit and commission by sharing these products with friends and family, would that be something you would like to learn more about?

Please confirm that you are not a Green Compass Advocate or working with one currently.

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