Learning to create a website.

What a new adventure!  In January, I tried to learn how to build websites.  Here are a few to take a look at.  It has been and continues to be a challenge, but I love learning new things, sharing with others, teaching others, and continuing to be a difference-maker in...

I love counseling because…

It allows me to process my thoughts and feelings without burdening my family or friends.

It allows me to ask for unbiased suggestions and opinions.

I let them know what was on my mind without fear of being criticized for feeling that way.

I know what is said there stays there.

I love stars…

When I was teaching, I felt like each student was a star.

They came in all different sizes and different abilities to “twinkle”

If each of them “twinkled” to the best of their ability, our sky was much more beautiful than if only the biggest and brightest were allowed to shine.

Twinkling is a gift you give to others who are watching, and someone is always watching.  Buy Simple Abundance

I love to Volunteer…

When I was teaching, it filled my heart to be the sponsor for Key Club, National Honor Society, and The Dance Marathon.  All three of these organizations focused on volunteerism to support others.  When I retired it was a new experience to not have volunteering in my weekly routine.  But with eyes open and hands ready, my husband and I jumped into volunteering again after Covid passed.  Volunteering helps me Balance my life.  Please look for ways you too can help your community.  Here is a link to one of my volunteer adventures. PAC